Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Volunteer Spotlight

We recently sat down with Brittany, a new volunteer in the area who has used our Project Calendar to sign up for projects that work best for her schedule. She graduated from Ohio State with a Bachelors degree in International Business in 2010 and currently works as a Lead Teacher at a day care in Central Ohio.

How did you hear about HandsOn Central Ohio?

I have volunteered in the past teaching ESL and was looking for a new opportunity to volunteer in the area. I found out about HandsOn through a friend and really liked the convenience of signing up and the range of projects that are offered.

Which projects have you worked on?

I have volunteered at the Godman Guild with the Helping Kids Build Skills project, as well as the Meal Serving project at Faith Mission. I enjoyed these projects because I saw the direct impact that we made in the lives of others. The thank you’s and smiles we received from the residents at Faith Mission and the hugs we received from the children really made me realize how imperative this type of volunteerism is and how powerful it can be in people’s lives.

This year is the 10th anniversary of September 11th and we have several projects lined up. Are you planning on attending any of these projects?

Absolutely. I am signed up to participate in the Care Packages for Troops on Wednesday night.

Note: you can sign up for this project, or our other Sept 11th projects here.

Aside from volunteering, how else do you spend your free time?

I like to spend time outside, preferably hiking or canoeing. I also enjoy traveling and everything that comes along with it. I am a HUGE sports fan: Go Crew, Bucks, and Blue Jackets!

What advice would you give someone who is looking to get involved with one of our projects?

I would encourage everyone to get involved. No matter what your schedule, if you are a student or a retiree, there is something for everyone. I am looking forward to the projects that I have already signed up for and am looking forward to signing up for more.

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