Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2011- The Year for Preparedness.

We at HandsOn Central Ohio hope you are having a fun, happy, safe, and relaxing Holiday season. As the season comes to a close and you are gearing up for 2011, take some time to review your disaster plans. What better time is there to make plans than at the start of a fresh new year! Not sure where to start?
  • Make a plan for your family.
  • Make a kit for your home and your car.
  • Keep informed on what is going on in your community.
  • Test/replace fire and smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, and all other emergency equipment in your home.
  • Volunteer and get trained! Visit our website at www.handsoncentralohio.org for information on Citizen Corps and other volunteer opportunities.
Make 2011 the year to prepare yourself, your family, and your community for disaster!

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