Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Find your way to Be The Change.

Across the country, people are hungry for opportunities to transform their communities for the better. We all have the desire and motivation to give back, but where to start? It can be a challenge to wade through all of the websites, agencies, and opportunities available. Even once you find that opportunity or cause, it can be exhausting going through long trainings and orientations just to get involved in volunteering.

Here at HandsOn Central Ohio, we believe that motivated volunteers should have a convenient, accessible way to get engaged in high impact service. We believe in putting people at the center of change. No matter what you’re interests, skills, or schedule are, HandsOn Central Ohio can help to link you to the volunteer opportunity that’s right for you.

HandsOn Central Ohio's Flexible Project Calendar is full of one time, high impact service projects that fit your busy schedule. Projects are scheduled during evening and weekend hours, require no ongoing comittment, and are led by trained Project Leaders. Volunteers can search for projects that fit their interests, skills, and schedule by logging onto www.handsoncentralohio.volunteerhub.com.

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