Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Changes at HandsOn Central Ohio

For those of you that were regular followers of this Blog as well as our Facebook and Twitter accounts, you may have noticed a change last week. On Friday April 16, 2010 FIRSTLINK changed it's name to HandsOn Central Ohio. The new brand is exciting and allows for a better public understanding of what we do at HandsOn Central Ohio. As the Lead Volunteer Center for Central Ohio, the new brand will allow us to leverage the identity of HandsOn Network to increase our scope and importance of work.

Many of you may be wondering what does the new name mean? Our business will continue to operate as it always has but with a new twist. We are working to develop more one time, quick impact projects that better suits the desires of the next generation of volunteers. We have exciting new, one time volunteer opportunities scheduled in the coming months. You can view and register for all of the events by visiting our project calendar

Finally, I'd like to address how the new name effects our Social Media outlets. The Disaster Preparedness Department at HandsOn Central Ohio played a significant role in bringing Social Media to FIRSTLINK back in March of 2009. Since that time, we've been fortunate to develop loyal followers of our blog, twitter and facebook accounts. The change to HandsOn Central Ohio does not change our role in Social Media, we will continue to provide relevant and thought provoking disaster preparedness information on this blog, our new Twitter stream, Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. The only difference will be that you may see some new postings surrounding our other exciting volunteers projects and activities.

With that being said, I'd like to welcome our newest blog contributor, Marjie Bland, Community Engagement Manager at HandsOn Central Ohio.

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